Thursday, May 20, 2021

Academic strengths and weaknesses essay

Academic strengths and weaknesses essay

academic strengths and weaknesses essay

Nov 15,  · Although my weaknesses lie in the reading and writing aspect of education and in the communication with others, my strengths have more influence on whom I am and how I present myself. My strengths include the love of taking care of kids and organization, two very important personality traits that go hand in hand Feb 21,  · Strengths and Weaknesses In order to become a lifelong learner it is essential to identify your own personal and academic strengths and weaknesses and action each one, so goals can be achieved more easily. My greatest strengths are my positive attitude, ability to manage my time effectively and my organizational skills In this academic strengths and weaknesses essay, I want to emphasize that sometimes it is even harder to acknowledge strong sides of the character than the weak ones. Not all people even find the sphere where they can show their greatest potentials. Fate may give us clues about which aspects of our personality are the best

Academic Strengths and Weaknesses Essay Example

When writing a paper on the strengths and weaknesses of a particular topic, apply a SWOT analysis to your argument. SWOT is an acronym for the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that relate to a given subject.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of this issue? How do the strengths translate into opportunities? What weaknesses pose serious threats? Evaluating your topic in this manner provides an analytical point of view which can be backed up with specific evidence by referencing to critical writings about the topic.

The introduction should clearly present your thesis statement. What are the pros and cons of the chosen subject? What are experts about the subject saying? State which institutions or critical writings extol the strengths and those that identify the weaknesses of your chosen subject to substantiate your argument.

Identify your main subject, explaining the reasons for your choice and specifying the opposing views it raises. Relate these views to established critical opinions, providing the strengths and weaknesses of your topic in relation to its role in society or field of study.

State the main strengths you have chosen to explore in your essay. Provide an overview of the associated theoretical arguments that back up your claims. Explain these strengths and the opportunities available because of these strengths. Paraphrase the counterclaims that negate or disagree with the strengths outlined in the previous paragraph. List the counterarguments that theoretical writings adopt, and explore any threats inherent to these weaknesses.

Relate the strengths and weaknesses outlined above to other texts and theoretical arguments, which can yield further insights to your chosen topic, academic strengths and weaknesses essay.

Identify areas in both schools of thought that are important or controversial, academic strengths and weaknesses essay, academic strengths and weaknesses essay those that might invite further investigation. Formulate your own opinion backed up with the information presented in your essay.

Explore and evaluate both sides of the argument outlining how your chosen subject matter can prove to be a strength and when it academic strengths and weaknesses essay result in a weakness.

Consider what countermeasures can be adopted to minimize weaknesses and threats and maximize strengths and opportunities. Summarize your argument by briefly highlighting the most important points raised, and if possible provide some potential solutions. In the conclusion, you can decide that one side of the argument you presented is more valid and state your reasons for this decision. Otherwise, you can explain what other factors need to be addressed to make an informed decision about the issue.

Maureen Cutajar started her writing career in An information-technology project manager, she shares her knowledge in computing and business management. Cutajar holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Malta, as well as an advanced diploma in computer studies from NCC Education, academic strengths and weaknesses essay. Regardless of how old we are, we academic strengths and weaknesses essay stop learning.

Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. See disclaimer. Explore this article Paper Outline Clearly present your thesis statement Identify your main subject Have chosen to explore in your essay Paraphrase the counterclaims Relate the strengths and weaknesses Formulate your own opinion Summarize your argument.

references 1 Harvard University Writing Center; Overview of the Academic Essay; Kathy Duffin; 2 Harvard University Writing Center; Counter-Argument; Gordon Harvey; About the Author Maureen Cutajar started her writing career in Related Articles. Classroom About Contact Feedback Legal Accessibility Terms of Use Privacy Policy Copyright Policy Manage Preferences.

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Academic Strength and Weakness Example | Graduateway

academic strengths and weaknesses essay

Feb 21,  · Strengths and Weaknesses In order to become a lifelong learner it is essential to identify your own personal and academic strengths and weaknesses and action each one, so goals can be achieved more easily. My greatest strengths are my positive attitude, ability to manage my time effectively and my organizational skills Nov 15,  · Although my weaknesses lie in the reading and writing aspect of education and in the communication with others, my strengths have more influence on whom I am and how I present myself. My strengths include the love of taking care of kids and organization, two very important personality traits that go hand in hand My Strengths And Weaknesses Of Writing. aware of writing errors such as grammar, spelling, punctuation and avoid plagiarism. Masters level writing is different than other forms of writing and students must be able to address to an academic audience

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