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Environmental sustainability essay

Environmental sustainability essay

environmental sustainability essay

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, sustainability is based on the belief that everything we need to survive directly and indirectly depends on our natural environment (). Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions in which humans and nature exist (United States Environmental Protection Agency, ) “As environmental sustainability, does not allow economic growth much less sustained economic growth, it is difficult to have sustainable development and improvement in the quality of human life within the capacity of environment” (Goodland, p. 1) Environmental sustainability is the practice of carrying out all business processes in a manner that ensures that the natural resources will be available for the future generations. Environmental sustainability is a responsible corporate practice ensures the reduction of the impact of the operations of a company to the environment

Environmental Sustainability Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

The environment surrounds people; environment is defined as natural and artificial surroundings. The surroundings affects and are affected by human activities. Taking people as the central point, any other thing that surrounds human kind is environment. People directly or indirectly depend on natural surroundings for their live hood, environmental sustainability essay.

It is through exploitation of these resources that men get food, industrialisation raw materials, and medicine among others. In the efforts to satisfy environmental sustainability essay satiable needs, natural environment has been destroyed or damaged and in return, it affects the human life.

To environmental sustainability essay poverty, attain equality in resource distribution, and feed current generation without limiting future generation capability of feeding its population, a healthy planet is required. Environmental sustainability essay paper looks into various components of environmental sustainability.

Millennium Goals recognised environmental sustainability as one of the major global social and economic responsibility of different states, firms and individuals. It encompasses actions taken to ensure that limited natural resources are utilized in an appropriate and effective manner that current generation will meet its needs effectively without limiting the capability of future generation in meeting theirs. Resources are not equally distributed, however they are enough for the entire world population only if they are well managed and organised, environmental sustainability essay.

Despite this recognition of the need to protect the environment, forests, land, water, and fisheries are often over-exploited by few individuals who have influence and acts for self-interests. On page 6, Sutton, is of the opinion that there is a great connection between environmental damage, industrialisation and urbanisation; he observes that human beings have altered the natural environment and resulted to living in unclean, polluted environment, on its hand, the environment have environmental sustainability essay the benefits that human beings could have derived from it.

Environmental sustainability essay world is fast industrializing and urban centres are growing. Industrial processes and urban population emit pollutants to the environment decreasing environmental sanity. When wastes are not disposed correctly, they have negative effect on the environment. Industries produce green houses to the atmosphere, have solid wastes on the earth service and utilize raw materials from the environment for their production.

When this is the case, then the environment is damaged. With increasing world population, and the need to meet its current needs, the world is over environmental sustainability essay the available natural resources to a point that some have become exhausted. The exhaustion means that future generation will not be able to meet its needs from such resources.

Some people are ignorant of the need to manage and conserve the environment. They misuse the available resources and do not environmental sustainability essay it their role to protect the environment.

Selfishness both for individuals and firms have resulted to damage and over exploitation of natural resources as people aim at meeting their own needs. The need to meet generational needs have resulted to a relaxation of some national and international rules where governments are not actively enforcing them Sutton, Scientific innovations, inventions environmental sustainability essay development have resulted to better means of doing things, environmental sustainability essay, aimed at ensuring there is minimal pollution to the environment.

The globe is becoming a world village with improvement in transport and communication environmental sustainability essay. Transport industry have been know as one of the industry that utilizes some of the worlds limited and exhaustible resources, fuel, then emits gasses that pollute the environment.

There have been collaborations among different countries calling for product improvement to such industries. Focus has also shifted to internal productions in a company where automation and recycling strategies have been embraced. To target different sectors and pollution, environmental sustainability essay, the international community is on the forefront to device mechanisms that will assist human beings to be sensitive to environmental damages.

Such initiative was the Kyoto protocol on carbon emission. Civil society, government environmental sustainability essay international bodies are targeting a transformation of human attitude and perception towards the environment to ensure that people appreciate the need to conserve the environment for their own good and the good of future generation.

The enlightenment from the massive campaigns is yielding fruits as people are becoming more sensitive of how they are using the available resources. One area that the public is impacting on is on attitude they hold for those companies that do not have eco-friendly processes and products.

Many companies have embraced corporate social responsibilities, which are targeting environmental conservation. These programs include tree planting, recycling and environmental education environmental sustainability essay Sutton, Humankind rely on natural environment environmental sustainability essay or indirectly for their live-hood; to ensure that current generation meets its needs without limiting the degree at which future generation will meet theirs, effective conservation of the environment is necessary.

Governments, international bodies, environmental sustainability essay, companies and individuals should join efforts to ensure minimal damage to the environment. Sutton, P. The environment: a sociological introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?

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Essay writing on environment in english -- Environment essay writing

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Environmental Sustainability Free Essay Sample

environmental sustainability essay

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, sustainability is based on the belief that everything we need to survive directly and indirectly depends on our natural environment (). Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions in which humans and nature exist (United States Environmental Protection Agency, ) “As environmental sustainability, does not allow economic growth much less sustained economic growth, it is difficult to have sustainable development and improvement in the quality of human life within the capacity of environment” (Goodland, p. 1) Environmental sustainability is the practice of carrying out all business processes in a manner that ensures that the natural resources will be available for the future generations. Environmental sustainability is a responsible corporate practice ensures the reduction of the impact of the operations of a company to the environment

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