Gay Rights Argumentative In the past decade, 31 states put to a vote the question of whether or not gay people should be allowed to get married. 31 states have put those minority rights up to a vote and in all 31 of those states, that minority rights issue has gone down to defeat. But here’s the thing about blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Religious Rights Vs Gay Rights Essay Words | 3 Pages Religious Rights vs. Gay Rights The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community have always had issues with discrimination and prejudice; even now anti-gay movements are growing not only in our communities but also in our legislative branch in the government Religious Rights Vs Gay Rights Essay. Words 3 Pages. Religious Rights vs. Gay Rights The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community have always had issues with discrimination and prejudice; even now anti-gay movements are growing not only in our communities but also in our legislative branch in the government. These people
Gay Rights Essay | Bartleby
Since June 26, gay marriage has been legalized in all fifty states. Although same sex marriage has been legalized, there is still controversy within this topic. In the past the church did not allow allow homosexuality, so marriage was not an option. If two people were to be caught with the same sex it was even punishable by death, meaning it was not openly acceptable to be seen with one another.
Of course times have changed since then, but at least for the United States, gay rights essays. For an example gay rights essays countries that gay rights essays carried out executions in recent years are: Iran, gay rights essays, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. In these countries the executions are decided by either law or militia, gay rights essays.
In Iraq there was roughly seven men who were murdered after a preach against homosexuality by an influential cleric. In these countries gay marriage is looked down upon it is extremely hard for the people of the country to even come out and discuss about the topic. Although this kind of news seems common in other countries it also happens often in the U. as well.
There is constantly news about either some type of violence targeted toward gay people as a group. Just recently in Florida there was a shooting at an orlando nightclub being known for having many gay customers, gay rights essays. At least forty eight people were killed and injured during the shooting, gay rights essays. There is always a controversy about sexuality and how there should only be one preference which would heterosexuality.
It was an enormous step for legalizing gay marriage, however there still heinous acts being committed against this group of individuals that are being overlooked and not brought to light by news gay rights essays. There constantly arguments of how it is a sin to marry the same sex or showing affection towards their significant other in public, gay rights essays.
There was a couple in Denver Colorado for an example, who were minding their own business holding hands walking down a street. Then a man comes up to them yelling homophobic slurs at them and he eventually attacks and stabs the couple. After being brutally stabbed, bystanders who happened to come after the attack had to call while the assailant ran away. The couple believed that the attacker came up to them because he noticed they were holding hands and they were of the same gender, gay rights essays.
Although these type of violent cases are common it happens more frequently with same sex couples, gay rights essays. Love Simon was a great break through for the current generation with people coming out more than before. Though it did gay rights essays in the box office it also came with an unwelcome response as well. In the film it showed public display of affection which made some of the audience uncomfortable to watch saying it was too different.
Although a small portion of the audience were deterred from enjoying the film it also made an unbelievable break through to parents who were brought to watch this film understanding the pain and struggle their child went through.
While there are parental concern the church also has its own concern that in the bible marriage is referred to man and woman not man and man. Conducting same sex marriages can be considered blasphemy in some churches therefore there have been extremely few ceremonies involving the church. Since conservatives are mainly Christians or Catholic they believe that because gay rights essays church rejects them they should too.
However, conservatives tend to think narrow mindedly believing in what they were brought up learning. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.
Although this is quoted from the bible itself people still choose to work on the holy Sabbath day. I have seen many people deny gay marriage rights or even gay people in general using the bible as an excuse to spout hate and discrimination. In one instance I was Sunday school and we had a lesson over gay marriage and the catholic church.
The nuns who were the teacher of our classroom started teaching us how it is wrong for the gay rights essays to conduct marriages and it is a sin to have sexual attraction towards the same gender. Although I had a valid point they chose to ignore me and continued on with their lesson of homosexuality. Each church and their rules depend on which clergy they are. There are a few different denominations that actually allow same sex marriage but there is a larger amount who oppose it.
Since more denominations oppose the practice it is more known that churches would not conduct ceremonies making gay right activists furious. While it is legal in the states to marry the same gender the law does not force any religion to abide and conduct ceremonies against their practice.
Another topic of concern is how children would react to the exposure of homosexual couples in public. Children are exposed to heterosexuality everyday in public or in their home. There have been laws passed in certain states that deny gay rights essays to adopt even if they meet all the qualifications. The officials making and passing these laws would rather have children in orphanages than be with a same sex couple willing to provide with love and care for who they chose to love.
Children who are raised in orphanages are usually neglected since they share a caretaker with several other children as well, gay rights essays. Some can never develop trust between them and their caretaker which as a result when they reach adulthood it affects the way they trust others.
The state refusing the allowance of gay couples adopting not only discourages the couple but also hinders the correct development of the future generation, gay rights essays. Gay Rights and Equality. Gay rights essays May 19, gay rights essays, Gay Rights and Equality Categories: Equality Gay Gay Rights Homosexuality.
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Lgbt rights Essays 40 essay samples found LGBT Community: LGBT Rights that have to be Improved Within the last few decades, the acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans relationships and marriages have gradually increased from atrocious levels in the s to a complete majority today Religious Rights Vs Gay Rights Essay Words | 3 Pages Religious Rights vs. Gay Rights The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community have always had issues with discrimination and prejudice; even now anti-gay movements are growing not only in our communities but also in our legislative branch in the government Gay Rights Essay. Page 2 of 50 - About essays. Gay Community Rights and Respinsiblities Essay Words | 6 Pages. The circumstances containing homosexuality have formed a varying timeline. The LGBT community’s rights and responsibilities must match those of society in general. Throughout the last 50 years the rights deserved by those
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