Thursday, May 20, 2021

Juvenile delinquency essay

Juvenile delinquency essay

juvenile delinquency essay

 · Juvenile Delinquency involves the participation of minors in criminal practices which deeply affects parents, neighbors, family and teachers. The social, economic and cultural conditions prevalent in a country determine the intensity and severity of juvenile delinquency there. The economic decline in poor districts of large cities has risen up  · Juvenile delinquency is a negative behavior of children and teens that may violate the law or cause widespread disorders in communities or society. The age limit of juvenile not only varies from country to country but also from state to state within a country as in the case of the United States. However no matter different the age limit is, every government takes juvenile delinquency as a  · Juvenile delinquency is a social issue in the United States today. Juvenile delinquency, is when “a violation of the law is committed by a juvenile and is not punishable by death or life imprisonment” (Juvenile Delinquency). The juvenile system is different from the adult system in many way and most juvenile delinquents are from the age of ten to the age of seventeen (Juvenile Delinquent)

Juvenile Delinquency Essay | Bartleby

In this essay we will discuss about Juvenile Delinquency. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency 2. Meaning of Juvenile Delinquency 3. Incidence 4, juvenile delinquency essay. Causes 5. Variables 6. Delinquency has always been considered as a social problem over and above the fact that it is a legal problem.

It is also a psychological problem, juvenile delinquency essay. Hence to avoid this social evil one has to tackle the complex problem of delinquency from juvenile delinquency essay social psychological and to familial angles. Although laws regarding Juvenile delinquencies have been formed long since, they are also being changed from time to time. Currently, in all the progressive and civilized countries of the world the laws with regard to the Juvenile delinquents have been changed.

Special courts are established with specially trained Magistrates for the trial of the delinquents. Today delinquency is being considered as a misbehaviour, a social nuisense than a crime. It also provides for the establishment of reformatory schools for them. Crime committed by children and adolescents under the age of 18 years, is called delinquency. The maximum age limit and also the meaning of delinquency varies from country to country.

But it is always below 18 years of age which is the statutory age for delinquency. Persons above this age are considered as criminals. Delinquency includes all sorts of crimes committed by children. Starting from the business and use of juvenile delinquency essay drugs and homicide murder, it may include various types of dangerous criminal offences. Delinquency undoubtedly is a social evil. It is a socially unacceptable behaviour committed by boys and girls below the age of 18 years.

Instead of giving these delinquents punishment, they are kept in Juvenile jail and correction homes where various corrective measures are taken to change their behaviour in the positive direction. It is observed that crime and delinquency are increasing day by day with the increase in population and complexity of culture.

As population increases the small societies become bigger ones and are found in the form of mass society. In mass juvenile delinquency essay there is less scope for mutual interaction and face to face contact.

The family bonds and community bonds thus become weak to weaker. Now a days no one knows or cares to know who is staying next door. Parents and children do not meet.

To eat is a biogenic need, but what to eat and how to eat is influenced by social forces and social interaction. One feels hungry, it is a biogenic need but how to satisfy these hunger need and where to ask for food is determined by socialization process, juvenile delinquency essay.

He is taught only to ask for food at his own house. This is a case of biological motive being influenced by socialization process. Most of our needs and motives, juvenile delinquency essay, attitudes juvenile delinquency essay aspirations regarding food, dress, style of living are determined by our cultural values and norms of the society. The process of socialization puts a strong stamp mark on the behaviour of an individual in the society.

Though, mainly boys are involved in delinquency, now a days it is found that girls are also actively engaged in this antisocial work. During these 20 years delinquency has further increased. One may juvenile delinquency essay believe, juvenile delinquency essay, but it is true that almost half of the serious crimes in U, juvenile delinquency essay.

are committed by juveniles. Common delinquent acts in females are sexual offences, small thefts, drug usage, running away from home etc. Among the males delinquents are more engaged in stealing, drug usage, robbery, juvenile delinquency essay, aggravated assaults, sexual abuses etc.

Particularly, now a days, the incidence of delinquency is increasing alarmingly in large metropolitan cities and this has become a matter of great concern for the public and country. While evidences from some studies show that children from lower class families and those residing in slum areas are more engaged in delinquency, other studies do not support this view.

In an important study, Heary and Gold found significant relationship between social status and delinquent behaviour. In another significant study, it was noticed that the rate of delinquency in case of socially disadvantaged youths appears about equal for whites and non-whites. Like any other country, as reports of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt, of India, shows, there is a steady rise in the percentage of delinquency in India.

While it was 16, init was, juvenile delinquency essay, 40, in Thus, in 13 years the increase in the incidence of delinquency, juvenile delinquency essay, as reports show, has the highest percentage of Juvenile crimes Second place goes to M. Kerala has an incidence rate of only 0. Delinquents lack ethical standards and emotional ties, juvenile delinquency essay.

They are very impulsive and indulge in acts at the spur of the moment. They are socially insensitive and lack guilt feeling. Delinquents, inspite of their socially unacceptable behaviours, created difficulties for the self as well as for others. Considered as a learned behaviour, delinquency was found to be highly correlated with low life styles with lack of recreational facilities and lack of permanent residence. B General socio-cultural factors indulging family pattern and interaction, delinquent gang and subculture.

No social factors alone-can contribute to the causation of delinquency though social and cultural factors contribute their share to delinquency. Personality characteristics and individual factors also contribute a lot to the causation of delinquency, juvenile delinquency essay.

As per the reports of Caputo and MandellKiestor in about one per cent of the delinquents brain damage leads to lower inhibitory controls and a tendency to show violent behaviour. Large number of persistent delinquents have been found juvenile delinquency essay possess the traits and characteristics of antisocial and psychopathic personalities.

They seem to be quite impulsive, callus, and socially insensitive, they do not have the feelings of sorrow, guilt and repentance. They are not able to establish suitable interpersonal relationship and they do not learn anything from experience in a constructive way. The persistent delinquents also do not seem to have any reality control or inner conscience or morality. So, they indulge in whatever they wish, which give them pleasure and satisfy their ego with assessing its impact upon the society and their final consequence.

For example, they may steal a very little money actually they do not need or they may steal a scooter, juvenile delinquency essay, a car or snatch a golden chain without any need or necessity.

Just to fulfil their aggressive and sadistic tendency they may drive their car to a small distance, break some parts of the car and leave it there. They just want to satisfy their destructive tendency, which gives them pleasure. Many psychopathic delinquents are found to cut juvenile delinquency essay brand new cushions in theaters and movie halls.

This author has also observed many juvenile delinquency essay of years age who are in the habit of breaking the electric bulb in every lamp post on the road without any reason, in the presence of other people in broad day light.

They just did not care, use abusive language and again repeat juvenile delinquency essay aggressive behaviour with more vigour. Actually, the delinquents do not involve themselves in such nuisance for personal gain, but it really reflects their underlying resentment and hostility towards the outer world, the world for which they have no feeling juvenile delinquency essay involvement or belongingness.

There are others who just move around in a gang aimlessly and get pleasure in eve teasing, in passing filthy remarks whenever a member of the fair sex passes by. Such people are really at the mercy of their uncontrolled, uninhibited impulses. It would be interesting to note that currently the incidence of psychopathic personality in female delinquents has increased quite rapidly as reports suggest.

Fine and Fishman conducted a study on girls in a State Correctional Institution in Kentuky to know their general personality characteristics. They found rebelliousness, inadequacy, impulsiveness, juvenile delinquency essay and immature characteristics commonly found in the psychopathic personality. It was also found by Ganzer and Sarason that females more frequently come from personally and socially disorganised families than did males.

The theories of both sheldon and Eysenck stress genetic aspects along with environmental aspects to explain delinquent behaviour.

Quite a large number of delinquents particularly those who are engaged in theft, prostitution and physical assault are found to be addicted to drugs, like heroin, secobarbital and alcohol. Drug addicted females are usually engaged in stealing and prostitution. Various studies have been conducted to find out the relationship between intelligence and delinquent behaviour to solve the controversy whether delinquency is environmental or genetic.

Long ago, an Italian Scientist Lumbroso made certain empirical studies on crime, and held that criminals have defective physical structure and defective intelligence. Therefore, juvenile delinquency essay, various steps have been taken to measure the I. of Juvenile delinquents to verify this view. The study conducted by Healy, Burt and others have demonstrated clearly that delinquents are not mental defectives. But, nevertheless, the average intelligence of the delinquent group is lower than the average intelligence of the normal group, juvenile delinquency essay.

It is also found that compared to the normal children a larger proportion of mental defectives are found in the Juvenile group. Various investigators have reported different percentage of average I.

for the delinquents, compared to the average I. of the normal as Healy and Bronner found it to be 90, Burt found it to be 85, Merril found it to be The above data of different investigators reveal that the average intelligence of delinquents happen to be lower than the average I.

of normals. These data also give clear signal that the Juvenile delinquents as a group, at large, juvenile delinquency essay, are not mentally defective though they are below average.

Such people have no foresight to the juvenile delinquency essay and significance of their action, juvenile delinquency essay. That is why, they commit various impulsive behaviour, like small aggressive acts, petty stealing and various other sexual offences. Even more intelligent psychopaths and gangs exploit them and include them in their group.

In some cases, mental retardation is associated with serious brain damage and leads to a combination of features of both the organic and the mentally retarded delinquents.


, time: 15:11

Essay about Juvenile Delinquency - Words

juvenile delinquency essay

 · Juvenile delinquency is a social issue in the United States today. Juvenile delinquency, is when “a violation of the law is committed by a juvenile and is not punishable by death or life imprisonment” (Juvenile Delinquency). The juvenile system is different from the adult system in many way and most juvenile delinquents are from the age of ten to the age of seventeen (Juvenile Delinquent)  · Short Essay on Juvenile Delinquency is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This meaning of juvenile Delinquency helps in clarifying and forestalling it. In assessing different clinicians, an action might be a solitary act regardless of whether the youngster isn’t is secured, like stone tossing on the electric light post out and about or a vehicle  · Juvenile delinquency is a negative behavior of children and teens that may violate the law or cause widespread disorders in communities or society. The age limit of juvenile not only varies from country to country but also from state to state within a country as in the case of the United States. However no matter different the age limit is, every government takes juvenile delinquency as a

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