Essay on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Words7 Pages Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects million American adults and can also occur during childhood. PTSD is an anxiety disorder that stems from a recent emotional threat such as a natural, disaster, war, and car accidents · We will write a. custom essay. specifically for you. for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Learn More. Posttraumatic stress disorder has a number of causes that include psychological trauma, which can be caused by emotional or physical abuse. Some events that cause trauma can either be rape, accidents, war, illnesses, natural disasters or violent · According to The PTSD Sourcebook, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual fatigue can be symptoms of Post-traumatic stress disorder. Trying to avoid thinking or talking about the event, avoiding activities they once enjoyed, hopelessness about the future, memory problems, trouble concentrating, and difficulty maintaining close relationships are all avoidance Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Post-traumatic stress disorder Free Essay Sample
Posttraumatic stress disorder is simply a disorder that can develop in human beings following a life-threatening event that has occurred in his or her life. Any individual who has ever experienced such an event tends to keep away from things that might remind them of the past traumatic events.
Posttraumatic stress disorder has a number of causes that include psychological trauma, which can be caused by emotional or physical abuse, ptsd essay.
Some events that cause trauma can either be rape, accidents, ptsd essay, war, illnesses, natural disasters or violent assaults, and many more. People who are suffering from posttraumatic stress disorders have different symptoms ptsd essay can last for a couple of days but lift with time Friedman, Some people have nightmares, feel numb, and sometimes experience difficulties in stopping having thoughts about what happened. To some people, the symptoms are triggered by activities that make them remember what took place.
There are at least four symptoms of traumas that include experiencing the traumatic event for the second time. When one experiences the event again, he or she gets upsetting memories ptsd essay the event. He or she can also remember past events where they act as if the event is happening again, ptsd essay. They sometimes start having nightmares of some frightening events. There are also some people who feel nausea or even start sweating whenever.
The second indication of posttraumatic stress disorder is avoiding anything that will make them remember the event. The victim keeps away from the people and anything that recollects back the memories of that event. A person can also decide to avoid talking or even thinking about traumatizing past events.
There are cases for those who choose to keep themselves busy so that they can shun all the thoughts and talks. Another symptom is numbing, where one cannot explain what he or she feels. When an individual is numb, he or she loses interest in all kinds of activities and even in life.
They normally experience a sense of being lonely where they end up disassociating themselves from others. Ptsd essay of them think that they need not live in that their life is totally changed. The fourth symptom is greater stimulation than before, and this is where one has a hard time in ptsd essay some sleep.
These kinds of people stay awake for long hours without falling asleep due to fear or other factors. They sometimes ptsd essay a lot of anger, whereby they outburst it to those who seem to bore them. They then try to distance themselves from others because they do not want to be nagged.
People like these have difficulties in concentrating where they find themselves being absent-minded whenever one is talking to them. They also feel nervous and can be easily worried. They find themselves living in a world of tension, and in ptsd essay of any minor action, they become startled Kinchin, ptsd essay, There are other common symptoms, and they include feeling guilty, being ashamed of your self, ptsd essay, or even blaming yourself for anything wrong that happens.
Some people opt using drugs or even think of committing suicide, ptsd essay. There are others who are hopeless in life, feel lonely, have headaches or stomachaches. People who suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder are advised to seek help immediately when they realize it.
These kinds of problems are supposed to be confronted earlier so that one can overcome them easily. Victims should then look for a therapist who will deal with their problems, ptsd essay. It is also important for one to identify a therapist with whom they are comfortable.
People with such problems need someone who respects and understands them. There are a number of treatments that meant posttraumatic stress disorder that helps them to relieve the symptoms by dealing with the traumas. During treatment, one is encouraged to remember everything about the event, and this helps one to restore his or her ptsd essay of control and move on with life normally. Some of the types of treatment offered to posttraumatic stress disorder include cognitive and behavioral therapy Myers, This is where the therapist encourages you to carefully expose yourself to feelings, thoughts, and even situations that will help you remember the trauma.
During this treatment, one thinks about the upsetting things and then replaces them with thoughts that have a better picture. For example, ptsd essay, if ptsd essay trauma was caused by an event of war, one exposes him or herself to things that are related to that event.
In this case, one can watch a movie about war so that he or she can remember the event, ptsd essay. He or she can ptsd essay think about raising a fight against someone else and then replace the thought with a peaceful moment. There is also the treatment of Eye- Movement- Desensitization and Reprocessing. Following cognitive and behavioral therapy, the EMDR stimulates someone and helps in unfreezing the brain. In this kind of treatment, the therapist uses sounds to stimulate the person who is affected.
Another type of treatment is family therapy that helps to bring ptsd essay close to his or her family. It helps relatives to understand you and accept ptsd essay as one of them. There is also another treatment of ptsd essay where one can say drugs being prescribed to him or her so that it can relieve secondary symptoms. Myers, D. Psychology, eighth edition, in modules. New York: Worth Publishers. ISBN: Friedman, M Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Journal of the Treatment Ptsd essay, 32 6 Kinchin, D, ptsd essay.
Research advances in rheumatoid arthritis. J ournal of the American Medical Associationptsd essay, 5 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Ptsd, ptsd essay. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies, ptsd essay.
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What is PTSD?
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Essay on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Words7 Pages Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects million American adults and can also occur during childhood. PTSD is an anxiety disorder that stems from a recent emotional threat such as a natural, disaster, war, and car accidents · We will write a. custom essay. specifically for you. for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Learn More. Posttraumatic stress disorder has a number of causes that include psychological trauma, which can be caused by emotional or physical abuse. Some events that cause trauma can either be rape, accidents, war, illnesses, natural disasters or violent · According to The PTSD Sourcebook, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual fatigue can be symptoms of Post-traumatic stress disorder. Trying to avoid thinking or talking about the event, avoiding activities they once enjoyed, hopelessness about the future, memory problems, trouble concentrating, and difficulty maintaining close relationships are all avoidance Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
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